Has it REALLY been almost FOUR YEARS since I last posted? What on Earth? I LOVE to write! To share my thoughts! To be, what I hope is, moderately entertaining.
So where to begin. A lot has changed. A WHOLE LOT. Jon and I escaped south Florida and we are now the parents of a beautiful little boy. Jon is loving his new (comparatively speaking) job, and I am sharing Young Living. That about sums it up.
When we were living in Fort Lauderdale I learned a lot about holistic healing and a clean lifestyle. After Alexander (see: beautiful baby boy) was born I began to learn even more, and employ some of the wisdom that has been passed my way.
We use YL EOs every day. For everything. Seriously. Bug bite? EO. Headache? EO. Teething? EO. LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
The friends I've made since becoming a YL member have inspired me to do better. If you've been following me on Facebook you've seen that we've been doing a #FatToFit lifestyle change. We've been using Weight Watchers. At first I loved it. Then, well, I learned more about not being processed, as well as cutting out certain food groups AND about all the chemicals that are in the processed foods. IT IS SCARY. Like, do you have any idea what kind of junk is in egg substitute, even though it's low on points? So, truthfully, I've been kinda half-tailing it. My heart just isn't in it anymore, but we've made a commitment through the end of July.
That said, I have been having some health problems, and was referred to a doctor near Birmingham. I talked with her today, specifically about my MTHFR gene mutation. Know what the most common symptom is? Miscarriages. Multiple. With an "s." Other symptoms include tongue and lip ties, hemangiomas, and stork bites. Have y'all seen my child? I also learned that folic acid is essentially poison to my body. Folic acid, y'all. NOT FOLATE. Folate is found in the liver foods. Green leafy vegetables, onions, beets, garlic. Folic acid is made in a lab. There's a lot of cleaning that has to be done in the cabinets of House Humphries. Not just in the kitchen, either. I've got to look into EVERYTHING in our home. Laundry detergent, toothpaste, everything. I have quite a J-O-B ahead of me.
And I'm starting the Whole 30. Like, tomorrow. Drinking my last Coke tonight.
So I need two things from y'all. First, PRAY. Sugar affects the brain the same way cocaine does. I have a legal habit. And tomorrow I start detoxing. Pray for my family; I might be unpleasant. (Side note: Maybe I should try Thieves or Black Pepper like those quitting smoking do. . .) And then, HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE. "Hey, Sarah, how's your Whole 30 coming?" "Girl, quit looking at that Twix bar!" "Put. Down. The. Coke. And no, Smarty Pants, you can't have a Mountain Dew, either."
Good job, Baby. I love to read your blogs